The “Fill-Me-Up-Until-Lunch” Alkaline Smoothie

The “Fill-Me-Up-Until-Lunch” Alkaline Smoothie Healthy Recipe

2 Servings

Macros/Serving: 461 Calories
Tags:paleo | drinks


1/2 Fruit Avocados
3 Cup Spinach
2 1/2 Cup, chopped Waterrcress
1 Cup, whole Almonds
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 Tbsp Almond Butter
3/4 Cup Almond Milk
1 Cup Water


Soak the almonds overnight or for at least 4 hours (unless you’ve got a Vitamix or other high powered blender, and then this step is optional).

Simply blend the ingredients together, starting with the avocado, greens and liquids to form a base, before putting everything else in – except the chia.

Once it’s all blended, stir through the chia seeds and then wait for 2 minutes for the chia to thicken the liquid.
