Peachy Mint Shake

Peachy Mint Shake Healthy Recipe

4 Servings 5 min Cook

Macros/Serving: 115 Calories
Tags:vegan | drinks


1 Cup Water
3 Cup slices Peaches
1 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
3 Tbsp Peppermint


Any type of mint will work, and 5 peaches is about 3 cups of sliced peaches.

In a small saucepan, bring the water and the mint leaves to a boil.

Turn off the heat, cover, and let the mint leaves steep for 5 minutes.

Let the mint water cool to room temperature.

Place the mint water (including leaves) peaches, ice cream and 1 cup of ice cubes in a blender and puree until smooth.

Serve immediately in chilled glasses and garnish with a slice of peach and a sprig of mint.