Green Kale Salad

Green Kale Salad Healthy Recipe

6 Servings

Macros/Serving: 72 Calories
Tags:paleo | salads


4 Cup, chopped Kale
2 Tsp Olive Oil
1 Cloves, minced Garlic
3/4 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Pepper
1 Stalks, large (11 inches long) Celery
1 Large (2-1/4 per lb, approx 3-3/4" long, Green Bell Pepper
1/2 Medium Zucchini
1/2 Medium Cucumber
1 Cup flowerets Broccoli
1 Cup Peas
1 Cup Alfalfa Sprouts


Microwave peas until just defrosted set aside.

Chop and prep other vegetables.

Add kale, olive oil, garlic, salt and black pepper to a large bowl.

Mix kale and olive oil together well so that kale is fully coated.

Add remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix.
