Coconut-Almond Yogurt

Coconut-Almond Yogurt Healthy Recipe

6 Servings

Macros/Serving: 389 Calories
Tags:paleo |


4 Cup, whole Almonds
2 1/2 Cup Coconut Water (Liquid From Coconuts)
2 Cup, shredded Coconut Meat


Soak almonds 12-24 hours to activate enzymes and remove inhibitors.

Drain and rinse almonds and place in high-speed blender.

Combine coconut water and meat in the blender with the almonds.

Pulse until smooth.

Pour into glass jar or casserole dish and cover lightly.

Leave at room temp 4-8 hours.

Cultures best at 90 degrees in dehydrator, or slightly warmed oven.

Seal in jar and refrigerate up to 3 days.

Best used within one day.