Apple Chicken

Apple Chicken Healthy Recipe

4 Servings 45 min Cook

Macros/Serving: 197 Calories
Tags: | meat


1 1/4 Unit (yield from 1 lb ready-to-cook chic Chicken Breast
2 Cloves, minced Garlic
2 Tbsp Ginger
1/4 Cup Oats
1 Cup Apple Fruit Butters


Prehat oven to 375F.

Wash chicken and poke several holes in both sides with a fork.

Rub ginger into both sides of breast until lightly coated.

Lightly coat bottom of 9x11 pan with apple butter and place chicken in pan.

Cover top of chicken completely with layer of apple butter.

Moisten oats in about 1/4 cup of warm water for about 2 minutes, then sprinkle over top of chicken.

Sprinkle cloves evenly over oats and chicken.

Cook uncovered for 45 minutes at 375F.